
Getting Product to Market - Anthony E Byrne

Getting Product to Market

‘Getting Product To Market’ is Anthony E. Byrne’s first full length title which about his story of setting up a successful marketing agency. The book also delves deep into some of the best strategies and tactics that can be used to win customers such as the largest tech companies in the world. It was written with entrepreneurs in mind whether you are rebooting or starting and building a new business from scratch, within the B2B market. Some of the topics covered in the book are: Understanding the market gap for your product, Building a team that can win, Finding the right customers and Financing Scale.

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B2B Marketing - Overview | Tactics | Strategies - Anthony E Byrne

B2B Marketing - Overview | Tactics | Strategies

Anthony E. Byrne has recently published a new set of ebooks outlining the work Product2Market provides to clients. Within the book he gives the reader the blueprints to a number of established marketing routes which will guide you to the best path to market. The book also discusses and evaluates the merits, challenges and opportunities to using each approach.

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Cold Calling Is Dead – Long Live Lead Generation - Anthony E Byrne

Cold Calling Is Dead – Long Live Sales Development

Where to find your potential customers is something every marketer or business person asks themselves regularly. In the digital world of today, so much outreach to potential clients happens in the online world. In this ebook, Anthony E. Byrne outlines how a modern approach to telephone marketing is extremely effective and vital in adapting to the modern business world.

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