Product2Market – The Laura Lynn Foundation


This year really has been an amazing year at Product2Market…we’ve grown our team headcount by 88% and our revenues by 110% (which is the second year in a row we have grown our finances by over 100%).

But absolutely the most exciting part of our journey this year, has been the onboarding and growing of our current team of people – every day I’m just so excited and grateful to come to work with all our guys, as we grow the company and give all our competition a run for their money and become EMEA’s leading SaaS Sales Company.

When we started Product2Market, Len and I made a promise to try and use the company to support local charities.  Each year we look at worthy causes and donate a portion of our company profits as a donation.

Now, typically we do this behind the scenes, but this year we really felt we should highlight the amazing work of our Leopardstown neighbour The Laura Lynn Foundation. What the care team does at Laura Lynn really takes my breath away and Len and I have decided that throughout 2018, we are going to support their mission through fundraising, donations, and volunteering.

Over the last 15 years, I have had the chance to travel the world and meet some amazing people, but I can honestly say that the people I met at the Larua Lynn Foundation are the most amazing people I’ve had the privilege to spend time with. I was profoundly touched by their mission and what they do, I promised to help and support more next year.
To learn more about the Foundations work – please take a moment to watch this video.  
About The Laura Lynn Foundation

We provide palliative care and support for all children with life-limiting conditions. Our holistic approach to care ensures that we are supporting the whole family, allowing parents to have time to be a ‘Mum and Dad’ rather than full-time carers.

  • We offer support for children from birth to their 18th birthday
  • All of our care is free for families
  • Children can be referred to LauraLynn from anywhere in Ireland
  • Care is provided by Laura Lynn House and care in the child’s family home through the LauraLynn@HOME programme.

We provide our care through our Multidisciplinary Team working in partnership with your Consultant and other Care Providers, with a shared goal of ensuring high-quality Family Support, Symptom Management, End-of-Life Care, Bereavement Support and Direct Care within the home and LauraLynn House.